[1910.3] Q
Can I write without pictures and keep your interest to find out more?
Can you remember what I taught you and how you can do better?
Can EnglishQ.co be more useful than English24.co?
Let the experiments begin. 2020
[177.7] Questions
So many questions. Three is a magical time to be, when the world seems so amazing, curious and magnificent. "What are you doing? "Where is baby monkey? "What is this? "Who? Who?
Letters to Q

Experiment 68 Gabriel
My third choice, a third chance
to write creative comprehension
to complete a wish
to grow fulfilment
to enable my love
in thoughts that communicate
my mortal legacy
angele of peace and fulfillment
a quiet peace fills you
as new levels of consciousness expand
as you open windows of perception
in every way, Gabriel guides you
to new lessons, to new wonders
to the next level of peace, we grow
the star in tuition
My third choice, a third chance
to write creative comprehension
to complete a wish
to grow fulfilment
to enable my love
in thoughts that communicate
my mortal legacy
angele of peace and fulfillment
a quiet peace fills you
as new levels of consciousness expand
as you open windows of perception
in every way, Gabriel guides you
to new lessons, to new wonders
to the next level of peace, we grow
the star in tuition
68 Gabriel

Experiment 99 Archangel Tzadkiel
To begin with an end, and
End with a new start inked with
Blank pages of potential that
Drew laughter and hope
Of finding mutual madness in
Creative commons
I had left my pen dessicated
Washing memories clean with tears
I picked up my pen again
Finding that it never ran dry
One masterful stroke at a time
The clock struck 12.
“In this moment I am free.”
A new opening to the love of self is a step towards one’s purpose in the world.
To begin with an end, and
End with a new start inked with
Blank pages of potential that
Drew laughter and hope
Of finding mutual madness in
Creative commons
I had left my pen dessicated
Washing memories clean with tears
I picked up my pen again
Finding that it never ran dry
One masterful stroke at a time
The clock struck 12.
“In this moment I am free.”
A new opening to the love of self is a step towards one’s purpose in the world.
99 Archangel Tzadkiel

Oh, what new literature fun! I approve of technology that brings more people and ideas together. Something to play with although in this case, the random words were provided by Storybird and our job is to mix and match some word sense into the art. Go, Storybird and We!

Letters to L
[153.15] Live. Laugh. Love.
This is the most recent quote I came across and found it wise.
There is but one love in a continuum.
I have contemplated many facets of love over the past two years since my last post - the love of a child, a parent, grandparents, friends, animals; the love of things beautiful or not, the love of things material or not - emotional love, physical amour - they affect humans deeply. The fear of love, the suspicion of sincerity, the expressions of affection.
I am reminded of the advice from great souls: Be Kind to One Another.
"Love heals and does not hurt.
Someone who does not know how to love, hurts."
This is the most recent quote I came across and found it wise.
There is but one love in a continuum.
I have contemplated many facets of love over the past two years since my last post - the love of a child, a parent, grandparents, friends, animals; the love of things beautiful or not, the love of things material or not - emotional love, physical amour - they affect humans deeply. The fear of love, the suspicion of sincerity, the expressions of affection.
I am reminded of the advice from great souls: Be Kind to One Another.

SOLD my PENTAX 105SDHF telescope
...to an old friend who has much more time and resources to maximise the 4-inch potential.
I am glad it found good hands to continue its journey to capture more starlight.
I still have two more telescopes, a Vixen tracking system, and an awesome GPDX mount to play with; except that I haven't touched my precious equipment in years (oh, forgive me for going dark) because excuses, excuses - I was too lazy. I still am.
These continue to be preserved in the dry cabinet.
Life is still good. I have Hope that is in mint condition.
I am glad it found good hands to continue its journey to capture more starlight.
I still have two more telescopes, a Vixen tracking system, and an awesome GPDX mount to play with; except that I haven't touched my precious equipment in years (oh, forgive me for going dark) because excuses, excuses - I was too lazy. I still am.
These continue to be preserved in the dry cabinet.
Life is still good. I have Hope that is in mint condition.

Experiment 98 Archangel Sandalphon
[145.20] Dreamweaver - age 13
\\ The two girls with gossamer-feathered wings sat next to her. They beckoned her to look at the painting on her bedroom wall at the foot of her bed. It was an abstract piece swirling with darkness and specks of light. It was thickly framed with a golden mosaic. She gazed deeply into that window of creation. The wall panel silently moved outwards to reveal a passageway. Follow us, they cajoled as they tucked their wings behind them and entered the hole in the wall.
\\ They arrived in another hidden room, linked from beyond the castle walls and past the woods. Another child lived here. He was not there. We have to find him, they told her. His room had a similar painting at the foot of his bed. Above his bed hung another art piece in layered in gold, a prayer she recognized. She had one too. “Here lies the firstborn.”
\\ The girls with the wings helped her down the tunnels and ladders. Each step lit by the girls’ auras. A broken ladder step required a different method to cross it. The last rung of each ladder presented a different path to navigate. She jumped deftly into each new challenge.
\\ The last ladder which they glided down on opened up to a mass of other beings. They caught the girls with wings but paid her no attention. It was a risk the two girls took. You have to find him, they implored. She watched in silent horror as the beings hacked away at the girls’ beautiful wings from their shoulder blades. Thick maroon blood like satin flowed down their backs and cocooned them partially. They seemed changed somehow, alive but soulless now.
\\ The beings ignored her completely. How could she find the boy in this mess? She had to try. She struggled to move around the seething environment of bodies. They moved out of her path but neither helped nor hindered. This other world was used to hide the firstborn. He was somehow important to those girls with wings. Her attention was drawn to a meowing sound. A baby swaddled and left on the side of a rocky ledge; a baby boy.
\\ No being seemed to notice them as she carried him up. The baby seemed pacified in her presence. How do I get back? She had to find a way to the tunnels. Someone would help bring them home if she could only remember the crumbs of the way back. She could not think or feel here, she had to trust that her feet knew which way.
\\ She spotted the two girls, they looked different but they had wings again – different butterfly-like wings. They had to convince the driver that they were the real thing to take them back into the tunnels. The driver was a colourful entity. They gave him a quick hug as was the custom. That hug was all it took for the entity to recognize that the girls were changed. The entity looked at the girl with the baby; Come with me now. She obeyed.
\\ There was an explosion once the entity had led the girl with the baby away. From afar, she saw a flock of shimmering lights accompanying a dark-skinned female with flame-like wings. She was beautiful; she is Malkuth, a guardian of the flock of the angelic gossamer flames. She smiled at the girl with the baby boy; Follow the entity and you will be home soon. The dark lady bowed to the entity who nodded in return.
\\ The entity enveloped the girl with the baby in folds of sparkling colours as they lifted off that world into another. It seemed they tumbled through so many directions and dimensions. The girl could not tell if they were really moving or just stationary and watching the seasons fly by. The baby was contented asleep and completely trusting of being there. Where are we going, the girl finally asked. The entity looked at her using a form she could recognize, a male figure holding them close with what she perceived to be part arms and part wings. Home.
\\ The two girls with gossamer-feathered wings sat next to her. They beckoned her to look at the painting on her bedroom wall at the foot of her bed. It was an abstract piece swirling with darkness and specks of light. It was thickly framed with a golden mosaic. She gazed deeply into that window of creation. The wall panel silently moved outwards to reveal a passageway. Follow us, they cajoled as they tucked their wings behind them and entered the hole in the wall.
\\ They arrived in another hidden room, linked from beyond the castle walls and past the woods. Another child lived here. He was not there. We have to find him, they told her. His room had a similar painting at the foot of his bed. Above his bed hung another art piece in layered in gold, a prayer she recognized. She had one too. “Here lies the firstborn.”
\\ The girls with the wings helped her down the tunnels and ladders. Each step lit by the girls’ auras. A broken ladder step required a different method to cross it. The last rung of each ladder presented a different path to navigate. She jumped deftly into each new challenge.
\\ The last ladder which they glided down on opened up to a mass of other beings. They caught the girls with wings but paid her no attention. It was a risk the two girls took. You have to find him, they implored. She watched in silent horror as the beings hacked away at the girls’ beautiful wings from their shoulder blades. Thick maroon blood like satin flowed down their backs and cocooned them partially. They seemed changed somehow, alive but soulless now.
\\ The beings ignored her completely. How could she find the boy in this mess? She had to try. She struggled to move around the seething environment of bodies. They moved out of her path but neither helped nor hindered. This other world was used to hide the firstborn. He was somehow important to those girls with wings. Her attention was drawn to a meowing sound. A baby swaddled and left on the side of a rocky ledge; a baby boy.
\\ No being seemed to notice them as she carried him up. The baby seemed pacified in her presence. How do I get back? She had to find a way to the tunnels. Someone would help bring them home if she could only remember the crumbs of the way back. She could not think or feel here, she had to trust that her feet knew which way.
\\ She spotted the two girls, they looked different but they had wings again – different butterfly-like wings. They had to convince the driver that they were the real thing to take them back into the tunnels. The driver was a colourful entity. They gave him a quick hug as was the custom. That hug was all it took for the entity to recognize that the girls were changed. The entity looked at the girl with the baby; Come with me now. She obeyed.
\\ There was an explosion once the entity had led the girl with the baby away. From afar, she saw a flock of shimmering lights accompanying a dark-skinned female with flame-like wings. She was beautiful; she is Malkuth, a guardian of the flock of the angelic gossamer flames. She smiled at the girl with the baby boy; Follow the entity and you will be home soon. The dark lady bowed to the entity who nodded in return.
\\ The entity enveloped the girl with the baby in folds of sparkling colours as they lifted off that world into another. It seemed they tumbled through so many directions and dimensions. The girl could not tell if they were really moving or just stationary and watching the seasons fly by. The baby was contented asleep and completely trusting of being there. Where are we going, the girl finally asked. The entity looked at her using a form she could recognize, a male figure holding them close with what she perceived to be part arms and part wings. Home.
98 Archangel Sandalphon

Experiment 91 Feminine Leadership
[145.20] Dreamweaver - age 50
She watches them at play; these little humans are such a joy to be around. She smiles at them when they turn to look at her watching them. They wave at her cheerfully and get distracted again by their peers. Each take their turn to beam at her and for every one of them, she quietly gives them her mantra of protection. She watches the folds and bends around them blend into a stronger field with her silent intention of love.
She takes slower breaths now; her physical heart is heavy and it cramps with emotions unlearnt– a reminder of the time left to complete her tasks and return home. Each morbid pang is a countdown to the expiration of her contract. She has already asked for a few extensions and they were graciously granted to her. She is not sure how many more extensions she can request for. Maybe just enough to leave them happy, see them grow up a bit more, help a few with their passing on before she takes care of her own. For one more moment, she smiles again.
The area between her shoulder blades hurts too. She has almost forgotten what was once there, what she was before she chose to come on this adventure. Hand on her heart, she closes her eyes to hear a distant echo in her mind, “We can experience so much and give more among them.” For one more breath, she feels the resonance of vague memories surround her.
He softly approaches her reverie and encircles her with his warmth. She remembers this soul from another space in an alternate time. He is here to assure her; it will be okay. Trust me, he whispers to her heart, you can. She feels his heartbeat catching up with her own.
Such precious flashes of recall, of promises made and kept, it is not easy to keep up with the many maps that layer her physical mind. Her sensory mind overloads with the various connections unseen and she opens her eyes to help focus on the current story she is in.
The children play on if only for a while more. Two golden rules guide their lives as they sleep; to love and be loved. And she will lead them onwards - Via.
Stones – my designs are mishandled
I acknowledge your roots of being. You imagine and empower leadership for those who seek change. It unites each heart with moral purpose to make a greater planet of consciousness through peace. Thank you, for sharing.
She watches them at play; these little humans are such a joy to be around. She smiles at them when they turn to look at her watching them. They wave at her cheerfully and get distracted again by their peers. Each take their turn to beam at her and for every one of them, she quietly gives them her mantra of protection. She watches the folds and bends around them blend into a stronger field with her silent intention of love.
She takes slower breaths now; her physical heart is heavy and it cramps with emotions unlearnt– a reminder of the time left to complete her tasks and return home. Each morbid pang is a countdown to the expiration of her contract. She has already asked for a few extensions and they were graciously granted to her. She is not sure how many more extensions she can request for. Maybe just enough to leave them happy, see them grow up a bit more, help a few with their passing on before she takes care of her own. For one more moment, she smiles again.
The area between her shoulder blades hurts too. She has almost forgotten what was once there, what she was before she chose to come on this adventure. Hand on her heart, she closes her eyes to hear a distant echo in her mind, “We can experience so much and give more among them.” For one more breath, she feels the resonance of vague memories surround her.
He softly approaches her reverie and encircles her with his warmth. She remembers this soul from another space in an alternate time. He is here to assure her; it will be okay. Trust me, he whispers to her heart, you can. She feels his heartbeat catching up with her own.
Such precious flashes of recall, of promises made and kept, it is not easy to keep up with the many maps that layer her physical mind. Her sensory mind overloads with the various connections unseen and she opens her eyes to help focus on the current story she is in.
The children play on if only for a while more. Two golden rules guide their lives as they sleep; to love and be loved. And she will lead them onwards - Via.
Stones – my designs are mishandled
I am; I am not; I have been
Strangely out of phase, addled
In a shrivelled mind unseen
I erase all that scares me
And angers me, curtly
In a curative phenomenal trance
I let the preferred bliss of ignorance
Roll over and dull out life
A sentient has tales of strife
And in the smallest quark,
The lightest spark
Becomes inspiration that flames
Meaning into names.
I acknowledge your roots of being. You imagine and empower leadership for those who seek change. It unites each heart with moral purpose to make a greater planet of consciousness through peace. Thank you, for sharing.
91 Feminine Leadership

Experiment 110 Archangel Ambriel
[144.25] #HeSaidSheSaid #NaPoWriMo 25
I wondered when he was arriving
The night was dark; stars glowing
We did not see the cords tangling
You knew better; perfect timing
1:10 A child is born, another life given
They wondered when she was leaving
The night was dark; stars dimming
We saw the cords unravelling
She knew clearer; perfect parting.
1:18 When time is due, a soul forgiven
[144.27] #NaPoWriMo 27
How did I miss the sign
To follow that thought
Win through to find
At my faith's naught
I wondered when he was arriving
The night was dark; stars glowing
We did not see the cords tangling
You knew better; perfect timing
1:10 A child is born, another life given
They wondered when she was leaving
The night was dark; stars dimming
We saw the cords unravelling
She knew clearer; perfect parting.
1:18 When time is due, a soul forgiven
[144.27] #NaPoWriMo 27
How did I miss the sign
To follow that thought
Win through to find
At my faith's naught
Losing my mind
Over you
Over you
110 Archangel Ambriel

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