Experiment 20 Star Child

Dreamweaver – age 9

There lies a body. It is no longer alive but it is still filled with life. It is not an animal but it can never be anything else either for it is dead. It is now fodder for the nanos and the microbes. The microbes are not coordinated sufficiently to create a collective mind. They are wrapped in their own existential purpose for the momentary sustenance to multiply and assist decay. They make no sense together, and they can make no effort either to dream.

The stray anima may attempt to meld with the body – it is possible – but once the magnetic fields of the north and the south are broken, none may revive the puppet. Unless.

\\ There are a multitude dolls of all shapes and sizes strewn all over the enclosed space; some are neatly placed, others are stacked like a heap of sorted trash. The little boy walks with utmost care over the dolls. Some are as big as he is, others are about the size of his hand. If he were to be really still and relaxed, he could look like them too. They almost look like other children he has met on the streets. Someone collects these figures and takes care of them.

\\ He looks at their varied faces, their eyes are closed as if asleep. He is searching for one doll amidst all these dolls. The old grandmother has told him to look for three features. She has given him a gold locket which she says will move when it gets nearer the doll. He now fingered the locket nervously. He feels nothing and there are too many dolls in here.

\\ The boy frowns. He decides to walk the perimeter of the space while holding the locket. He picks a doll that is propped against a wall as his starting point and gingerly makes his walk clockwise. He is halfway around the space, and maybe his hands are getting numb from clutching the locket but he still feels nothing from its cold metallic surface. A heart beat. He starts and stops in his track. He waits. He can feel his own heart beat speeding up. He looks at the locket in his hands.

\\ Another heart beat from the locket. He must be close. The doll must be close by. He walks ten paces further ahead clockwise and waits. No heart beat. He walks back five paces and waits some more. Two more paces back. The heart beat returns. He looks at the dolls around him. With one hand holding fast on to the locket and the other helping him to scan through the dolls as if he were reading a book with too many words, he got to the end of his sweep but does not see any doll resembling the first feature – skin with colour like soft gold.

\\ The locket pulses. He turns one eighty and and scans the dolls from behind him. He decides to take three paces forward to the centre of the space. The locket throbs just a tad quicker it seems to the boy. He pauses again and decides to try walking a few more steps deeper into the centre of the space. The heart beat does pump more responsively, this time at twice its previous rate – like the boy’s own quickening pulse.

\\ The boy tracks the pulsating locket until it is beating consistently like a beacon. He must be so close. He scrutinizes the dolls before him. He can do this, he must find the doll. A glimmer catches his eye – the second factor – a pink diamond in its left hand. The doll looks very much like a miniature girl about a foot tall, with creamy skin – creamy gold-specked skin. He examines her for the third and final quality: sapphire blue eyes. He has found it, he has her!

\\ He has to exit the room. Something is coming towards him. He can hear its footsteps, it is close by. He squeezes into a row of dolls which are about his height. Just pretend, just relax. He hides the doll in his hand, keeping it behind him. He is suddenly feeling protective of the doll in his hand. His heart is hammering so deeply that he is sure the dolls next to him are vibrating. A shadow casts near him. He closes his eyes and stops breathing. There is a great roar in his ears.

[105.23] Notes from Drawn by Spirit, KaliMa Shub

You are well supported at this point in this life and are accorded deep soul remembrance – in fact so much so, that you have always had distant knowledge of your star seeding – hence there is no irony in the name you have chosen and the tall angular bodily form you have gathered. The angelic being who showed herself (actually sexless, just using the feminine) was extremely tall, elongated, very luminous and varied between a star being and angelic presence. Since all is oneness, this is not surprising. We are only shown singular identity visions as we are in this third dimension and thus have isolated ourselves in the separation illusion. Oh she is so beautiful and golden, really high resonance and did not have wings as such!

[126.6] The Star
from www.aeclectic.net

On the bleak landscape where the Tower stood, the Fool sits, empty, despairing. He hoped to find direction on this spiritual journey, a path to his spiritual self, but having just learned that most of his life was a lie, he now feels lost. Sitting on the cold stones, he gazes up at the night sky wishing for some kind of guide. And that is when he notices, nearby, a beautiful girl with two water urns. As he watches, she kneels by a pool of water illuminated with reflected starlight. She empties the urns, one into the pool, one onto the thirsty ground.

"What are you doing," he asks her. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling like stars. "I am refilling this pool, so that those who are thirsty may drink, and I am also watering the earth so that more fruit trees will grow to feed those who are hungry." She nods back to a single fruit tree that stands nearby, a nightingale singing amid its branches. "Come," she invites. "Sate your hunger and quench your thirst."

The Fool plucks some fruit from the tree, then kneels by her and drinks from the pool. The water tastes wonderful, like liquid starlight, and the fruit is equally delicious. Both help to heal his wounded heart.
Having quenched his thirst and sated his hunger, the Fool lays back to gaze up at the stars. "They're so beautiful," he said, "but so distant."

"Like possible futures," agrees the girl. "Cool and distant. Yet if you keep one in sight, it can guide you to your destination no matter how far away it is." Even as she says this, she began to fade away, like dew, vanishing. All that remains is a gleam that was at the center of her forehead. This rises up and up, until it settles in the night sky as a shining star. "Follow your star," the woman's voice seems to sing from that light, "and have hope."

The Fool takes in a breath and rises. It is a dark night, a desolate land. But for the first time, he has a guiding light to show him the way. Distant as it is, it restores his faith.

[177.6] Star Child

Stories continue to evolve as we do, in circles or spheres.
What a magnificent world this is indeed, where we don't have to understand if we choose not to, and it still grows on with or without our curiosity.

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