Experiment 33 Dolphin Peace with a Purpose

The Dreamweaver – age 19

A cliff edge overlooking a vast ocean. Schools of whales and dolphins enjoying the freedom of play. One whale comes close to her, it watches her with one eye and flips a bit of the water over to her. It beckons her to join in them in frolicking through the deep. She can play with them too. It makes a graceful backflip into the waves beneath her.

The skill is to dive in and swim with them. To maneuver currents below and waves above. How quick the distraction, how fleeting the concentration. How quick to rush in and slow to hope. How fun and spontaneous to be here.

She looks at the thick opalescent blue waters. Out of the corners of her eyes, she notices others like her hesitating along the edge. Some make the bold move to dive in and is cheered on by more. Few surface from their trajectories.

She knows she can in one fearless moment and strength propels her in one leap of faith. She is soaring high and then in one gentle bubble, she is sinking in deep waters. There is a skill to this, sings the whale who watches her - let go and breathe.

She obeys its wisdom and relaxes completely to the waves that carry her perfectly to the edge of the ocean’s crests and troughs. It smiles at her willingness to give in so fully to the experience and soars right next to her side.

She is awed by the immense scale of her whale guide. She feels like a small speck next to it. She has her own bubble of currents that mold around her every muscle and movement which gravitates to the whale’s starboard side and aligns into the whale’s own sphere of movements. For now, they travel together watching the others meld configurations in the vast sea.

\\ She watched the early sun dimly light up her room. The first beam caught that part of her window pane that scattered rainbows into her room. In that beam that grew progressively lighter and warmer, she smiled at the remembrance of her whale friend.

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