Experiment 63 Djwal Khul and Hilarion

The Dreamweaver – age 20

A tall, fair Aryan male entity accompanies her across the passage. He has the merged presence of being a lover, a friend and a mentor fused into one.

He shows her a community of people garbed in thick cloth that match their environment living in a cave complex. Their home is shared temporarily with her group of travellers who are passing by.

These guests wear simpler clothes and seem observant as they casually exploring the cave routes, the network of water features and cool climate. No plants or trees grow here, just sculpted earth all around carved into tunnels that glowed like muted daylight.

A group of friends in the cavern is looking at a map of stars surrounding one carnelian star system that looks familiar to the passers-by. They have a very basic star map with a couple of dots, no more than what can be seen with their naked eyes in the dusky sky.

It is too simple a drawing which fascinates her with its unsophisticated and childlike representation. She draws closer to the group who are discussing how straight lines connect one star to another on its flat surface.

She silently watches their interaction and recalls her own group’s map of the same orange orb, except it is located to one side of a denser galactic system and it has volume that moves the different orbs in a multitude of radii. Her version of space is highly detailed with flowing curves to link the dots.

They have the same stars too, only with many more stars and numbers. It maps out a complete galaxy upon a cosmos. She offers to share it with them. They give her a bemused smile like adults encouraging the first words of a child. Perhaps that is how she appears to them and they simply cannot navigate so many ideas at once.

The male entity guide, a friend of the cave people, who is also looking after the visitors in transit, nods knowingly to her. It is not yet their time to learn her designs - Wait for the orb to turn green. She continues to be captivated by the landscape and its culture. It seems familiar to an earlier web of caves.

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