Experiment 88 Jade Emperor

Dreamweaver - age 81

He is born with immense power yet he is trained to use force. His mother despairs over the evolving tyrant in him. She has failed her king and their ancestral lines of power. His sister holds power much more sinisterly than he does; she encourages his darkness and he adores his sister.

He has enslaved the minds of young girls and boys to work in his temple city. He fills the complex labyrinth with war prizes and loots from vassal states. He is particularly fixated on ancient papyri and artifacts. He keeps fast to the company of priests and unholy ideas.

His sister chooses her loyal retinue from impressionable talents - the artistas - those fertile minds that she can control and those that she cannot, vanish with the priests in droves across the lifeless desert that surround their temple city to the west or into the deep ocean to the east.

The queen mother holds the remaining embers of a once virtuous empire. She seeks to effect peace with her final breath. She seeks some solace that there is hope as her children still have a shred of love between them, they can be turned. They are strong together and gifted with innate powers that command legions; powers that have been coveted and corrupted.

They were brother and sister who were taught by the grandfather of the tribe. They embodied the virtues of the earth and learned their responsibility to the beings that come into their spheres of power. The grandfather had foreseen a change in the balance with their births, and their children after. He had to trust that they were prepared enough to meet the great king and queen.

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