Experiment 97 Archangel Uriel

in lumine tuo
videbimus lumen
gloria soli deo
sanctus. sanctus. sanctus
[103.14] ..Enim Emmanuel..
Nanael is an angel.
He dreams up stories and
gladdens hearts with cheery fables.

Angels are an optimistic lot.
They find ways to make flowers prettier,
skies brighter, rainbows happier.
There is plenty to play with,
to make better or to color fuller.

Soon, Nanael received a scroll
with his name on a ribbon,
and numbers inside.

He and his angel friends,
all holding their own scroll,
sparkled in unison
to see their brothers, the Archangels.

The Archangels are helpful and wise.
They guard and guide their charges
who are learning to serve.
The angels found Archangel Uriel
sitting under the Great Tree,
writing as usual.

These angels are the same and exceptional in one or two ways.
Some are good with voices or drawings.
Others are good with smiles or laughter.
They are wonderful angels who positively
inspires any hearts surrounding them.

Uriel, knowing angel thoughts, reveals:
“These scrolls are your friends chosen from a little star
just east of the great trees in the garden.
The numbers show where and who they are.
When all are ready, they find and connect with you.

Each friend is unique and matches your abilities.
You can remind them of the little things in life
and love them, should they forget.

Some are tougher to reach;
they can be in a deep dream,
deaf to hear your gentle voice or
blind to notice the flowers you bloom for them.

Nanael and the angels beamed,
closed their eyes and hands together,
opened their hearts and each arrived on a special snowflake.

Uriel smiled: “We are blessed in many ways.
Now it’s our turn to share our blessings.
Go and bring forth Heaven on Earthe.”

Nanael is now on his big adventure with his angel friends.
Together, they make your smiles prettier,
your thoughts brighter, your lives happier.
You have plenty to play with,
to make better or to color fuller.

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