You & I experiment 142

Featuring the Words of MM Charmaine Loh.



MM: 'Would you rather have coffee or a spot of tea? Earl Grey, or perhaps some English Breakfast?' The friendly waiter at the café shoots her a smile and asks.

'Would you rather swim with the dragons or fly with the beasts?' she asks in a reverie. I prefer hot chocolate, but for today, your smile has caffeinated me.

MM: Would you rather address a simple question as is or disarm the askor with another proposition before answering the initial query? Me oh my, what a conundrum!

'Would you rather.' The list floats on together with its companion 'if only I' in their puny minds to dream up and freeze their states of conundrum. No contest.

MM: Would you? Rather, would they approve of this fascinating exchange of wits, ideas, and at times, contradictions? A contest, you say. Let the games begin.

Would you rather be alone? Talking to the night, to the atoms and the stars, about a greying earl whom no one sees; in the beginning was the word, and the earl.

MM: Would you rather hug her or hold her hand? Her strong exterior conceals a delicate heart, one who yearns not for a prince, an earl or a knight. Where art thou?

Would you rather love me when I am a shadow, or love him more when he is gone. Thou art that - Tat tvam asi - the myth in the making, giver of dreams and hopes.

MM: Would you rather engage in intellectual conversation in the hopes of impressing your date, or throw out a truckload of slapstick jokes to humour them? Voilà!

Would you rather save your strength in the serenity of violets before mastering the strings of the viola? See there is life in in things faraway. Voici l'amour.

MM: Would you rather listen to sweet music played on the harp by a golden haired maiden, or be serenaded by a handsome cowboy, mon amour? Ah, c'est romantique.

Would you rather be romantically ill? He who brings you the reddest roses when you are in Roma. She who makes you see life everywhere. Io ti amo caro. Siempre.

MM: Would you rather listen to jazz and blues over a glass of champagne? Or some classical fare with Brightman and Carreras on Amigos Para Siempre? Chin-chin!

Would you rather be at peace than listen to chin music? He is deaf to the screaming souls of the blood-black seas while she is ready for the sounds of silence.

MM: Would you rather silently reminisce about the distant past or merrily plunge into the infinite black hole of the glorious future? Are they really so different?

Would you rather know? Would I rather not? We are not so different in grey shadows; for in this space and time, here and now, we are a magnificent continuum.

MM: Would you rather be a little green frog in a well or a great white shark in the sea? A continuum we may be, but we never truly know what these creatures see.

Would you rather have inner sight to see rainbows in a person's heart or use your eyes to judge the shades of their rouged faces because seeing is believing.

MM: Would you rather love an enigma whose frozen heart can't be melted? Or believe the sensual words of the devil whose red-hot passion burns through your soul?

Would you rather be contented with a faithful beloved or be blue with an inconstant moon that waxes and wanes on your soul? Green is as sick as it is envious.

MM: 'Would you rather have a cookie to go along with your milk?' Brown little Mousie looks on enviously at The Human as he dunks his Oreo into the tall glass. Yum.

Would you rather be kind and take pity on us pasty white beings? Just a drop of your hot, yummy, red blood cells is all we need. It was tired from pretending.

MM: Would you rather lie on the warm green grass, stare at the clouds and pretend that they're sheep?Or just hop to the farm next door and see some real ones bleat?

'Would you rather..' her yellow cell phone bleated and she paused in mid-text. The cute waiter was back,"Lambs chops for you, and I would rather swim with you."


I would rather appreciate you quietly for who you are and support the growth your beautiful soul. The world is always the same, yet you and I can create realms.

MM: I would rather cherish the thoughts you share with me than burden you with mine. Do not attempt to enter the realm behind my cheerful facade, or I am terrified.

I would rather be enchanted by dreams and the potential of maybe-we-can, than give in to the unknown terrors. The world has many nightmares and I shall not be.

MM: I would rather adore you from afar and bask in the glory of your presence, than look you in the eye and be reduced to a puddle of stuttering nothingness.

I would rather be displaced by passions, sporadic and immortal. I am open to adventures, emboldened by change and willing to have nothing placed on the tangent.

MM: I would rather not stray from the path, straight and narrow. For I am infatuated with security and certainty. Adventure? Change? Purely tangential to the cause.

I would rather be the causation of joy and the seed of wisdom; for what good is my happiness or knowledge if I cannot share compassion with all? I have strayed.

MM: 'I would rather prefer that you tuck that stray hair away,' she says, waving her hand dismissively. Tardiness irks her, yet he fancies ruffling her feathers.

I would rather not speak, as all chaos can be silenced with a soft touch and a kiss that is as light as a feather. Be smitten by playing with love and kindness.

MM: I would rather write you every day, for hearing the timbre of your warm, kind voice over the phone rekindles the irrational fondness for you. All over again.

I would rather send you an affectionate thought so you can hear me more clearly. For in the vast space between us, thinking of you again is fastest way home.

MM: I would rather collect these tender thoughts in a jar. I'd pick one out, gently whisper it into a seashell, and return it to the sea. It'll be home, eventually.

I would rather the oceans relish each speck of sand for the eventuality of it becoming star dust. There are those nebulae that birth new sparks of imagination.

MM: I would rather be a twinkling star in the sky. My brothers, we create constellations of every imaginable kind. And Queen Luna, how we worship her Magnificence!

I would rather an end devoted to hope eternal; perhaps faith 'magnificus' is royally rewarded with emptiness. We shall always have forever and the gold mirrors.

MM: I would rather begin on a clean slate. One whose mirrored surface glimmers in the sun, reflecting the greatness you possess. We're not empty, just undiscovered.


MM: There is nothing left of us. Neither is there anything left for us. I've ducked your poison arrows; you've consumed my acidic words. No way out from this curse.

There is nothing; that is true. The sky does not exist without your vision or mine; to see this inside our worms' eye view - the subtlety in accursed rainbows.

MM: There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. Retrieve that mythical pot of gold at the end of a rainbow; slice a scale off a dragon's back; or catch a fallen star.

There is nothing to be but kind, even to the parasites that co-exist with us. The stellar universe has its dark matter and black holes, so do puny earthlings.

MM: There is nothing. There is something. Is there anything? Earthlings, your obsession with the existential crisis! Down the rabbit hole you go, dig and burrow.

There. Is nothing sacred to you homo sapiens anymore? Respect the cycles for even the Sun must yield to the laws of being and becoming, burrowed in cosmic dust.

MM: There is. Nothing I say will convince you, but believe me when I say -it exists. Beneath that layer of dust lays a pewter pig sculpture, a rumoured lucky charm.

There is nothing more charming than a mouse which thinks it has finally found its special cheese; the desire for a plethora of superb gouda, cheddar and vintage.

MM: There is nothing quite so satisfying as sipping a glass of vintage red wine after partaking in a well-prepared steak. A gastronome I aspire to be, what say you?

There is nothing I can do but watch them drain your bovine blood for a cocktail. Those vampiric aliens, those little green creatures from the sky. It is theirs.

MM: There is nothing terribly wrong with me. In fact, I'm mighty fine. Their catty remarks don't hurt me; their prejudices can't bring me down. Surrender? Never.

There is nothing that cannot be resolved in Forever. The lands of Nevermore await your sacrifice; the vultures are ready and the mushrooms are so very hungry.

MM: There is nothing to hide from. Your fears are unfounded, your tears are far too abundant. These monsters hunger for weakness; hold still, or they'd be rewarded.

There is nothing more rewarding for the whales of song to bellow through the salty sea and across the starglow in glorious baritones; they hold keys of grace.

MM: There is nothing quite as complicated as love. Yet there is nothing quite as clear as love. Cupid's arrow strikes with grace, yet fails to mend broken hearts.

There is nothing left for the disheartened in the final hour but love. The dinosaurs rule Eros' wonderland and the contented crab has gladly left the building.


For one more breath inhaled, we must let go of that which we take. We are the given; we own nothing and we owe everything. We are the gifted, the one spark.

MM: For one more day gone, we must cherish the hours, minutes, and seconds bestowed upon us. Ignite the dormant spark within; effect change; live; love; dream. Be.

For one more element is needed to create that noble being. A vital piece to the august structure for engendering you. Let there be lumen sanctus, that one epic.

MM: For one more breath, one last chance to escape this epic disaster, he musters that bit of energy and hoists his limp body from the wreckage. Alas! He is free.

For one more second makes a possibility into a probable reality. There are a thousand stories until the freedom perceived chooses our lines and actively plays.

MM: For one, more money does not always bring greater happiness. What joy can be derived from tinkling metal when one can delight in the beauty of nature! Play on.

For. One more vote on one more nay is all we need to crumble this civilization of puppeteering ants. They will never know of the final rock or the last deluge.

MM: For one more go at the game, I shall reluctantly part with my final penny. A deluged windfall or nothing at all... I'll take my chances, go down or stand tall.

For. One more reason to knock some sense into this distorted mind-bending reality. They won't even suspect this gamble of wits - the tallest tale of humanity.

MM: For one. More beautiful than the clearest horizon, more mysterious than the depths of outer space. To be human, to see with clarity, to rule with humility.

For one more failure could make them more determined, or whip them into giving up. They are not humble enough to learn and are too proud to ask. It is so easy.

MM: For one more person to say yes, what would that take? We've reached a stalemate , that much is clear. Easier said than done? Prod and push, there - reconciled!

For one more objective reconciliation is required to spare their souls - their ability to be faithful without evidence, without prejudice. They need your grace.

MM: For one more graceful attempt at walking the line, where she dances her heart out, like she's floating on air. This is her breakthrough.This is her swan song.

For one more master builder needs to find an idea in the ordinary. That makes everything awesome because the pieces are singing their special song and living.

MM: For one more transient moment, hold her in your arms and tell her you'll always love her. She's ready to take flight. And you're ready, ready to live your life.


MM: Is it ever justified? Guilty parties get off scot-free; innocents killed in an earthquake; children starve to death; talentless twits get fame. The audacity!

Is it? Ever so wickedly, Fate glides glibly over these pieces with audacious disregard. Their whims and whines never serve them growth like the forces of karma.

MM: Is it ever so often, that karma denies us a window of opportunity? We wax lyrical and lament, but do we not jeopardise their creation? A morsel for contemplation

Is it ever an easy sharing for those without the words to frame their contemplative visions? Without wisdom, all descriptions become the templates for cons.

MM: Is it ever the expected social convention, that a gentleman should see a fair maiden home? Alas, women have been conned. Fight your own battles,  lassies!

Is it? Ever left them to their own devices? Ever see the drones drawn naturally to honey? Alas, the young lasses are too brilliant for their filly appearances.

MM: Is it ever too superficial to buy into pretty packaging? The glossy colours toy, tease, intoxicate, and deceive. Milk you dry it does, and it's goodbye, baby.

Is it ever on the senses that paralyse sensible perception of the babelicious, the deformed and the unborn? Mind it all - the insidious effects are rapturous.

MM: Is it ever going to happen? A fine line separates a mirage from a miracle - should we be caught up in the rapture of joy, or is there more than meets the eye?

Is it ever the responsibility of Sandman to guard and guide all dreams? He who sometimes turn daydreams into hallucinations, delusions. Their eyes are sleeping.

MM: Is it ever sleep deprivation which leads us to accomplish the unexpected? Unborn ideas thrive in slumber, dormant and ready to be awakened. Sleep, to discover.

Is it ever counted between the good and bad? The discovering of virtue and the uncovering of sin weighed at the final breath that makes life a lesson. We learn.


I love you, my star, my glorious Sun, who warms my days up just right. Perhaps it is the local geography or maybe the right mix of distance that we should meet.

MM: I love you. Is it so difficult to fathom?That we should meet, part, rekindle and reconcile - is this not fate? Unreturned affections, missed chances. Unrequited.

I love you from the depths of gravity to vacuum of the void. It is safe to be. With your faith requited through my thoughts, words and deeds, I am free.

MM: I love. You don't, but I do. My body is free to move, but my heart is shackled to you. For what else could be more beautiful than such sweet sufferance?

I love you because I suffer too; I love you in the darkness that binds us. Altogether, compassion, sympathy, kindness are friendless when despair despises hope.

MM: I love you and your mystery. Your lanky frame awkwardly hovers over a book, and you're mesmerised. So am I. I hope you're well. And yes, you're still slouching.

I love you-know-who, even if I only see you-know-who in my dreams these nights. Love knots and Time slouches. It is enough for me to hold the memories we share.

MM: I love you, but I'm not in love with you. Distinguished by a fine line, or sheer semantics? Are our shared moments distant memories, or closer than perceived?

I love you, my pain, my suffering, my immortal mirrors of perception. I might not remember a heaven before this day. When I do, you and I shall no longer exist.

MM: I love; you merely exist. While I take in the wondrous colours and scents of the world , you simply observe and contemplate. Tell me, can your heart be melted?

I love you more when you help me to believe that I can love the oceans so much and melt rainbows from ice. I would eventually build for you a ship so amazing.

MM: I love you, my elegant moon, who occasionally smiles and casts a sliver of silver light on earth. You never cease to amaze me with your quiet wisdom. Goodnight.

I love you for better times, and more for worse moments when we see how strong we can be for each other.  The dark night of my soul yearns for forgiveness.

MM: I love you for your kindness and patience. No problems are left to fester, and no wrongs are unforgiven. I am a better person, because of your benevolence.

I love. You love. They love. Even it loves the benevolent star that gives it warmth and life. Maybe that is all to life- the various levels and depths of Amore.

MM: I love, you accept. I give, you remain indifferent. Only Amore can turn strong steeds into whimpering bunny rabbits; rational creatures into puddles of fluff.

I, love, you; he carefully printed out from his tiny hands. He drew a fluffy heart next to his words. For you, mommy, he said quietly as he lay the card down.

MM: 'I love... you?' For years, he was her loyal confidante, her pillar of strength, the one who lifted her up when she was down. It was simple. He held her heart.

'I love you...not?' She could not see herself married to him. Breaking his heart now would be less heartless than carrying on with his affections running deep.

MM: I love you and your knack for reading me. You just... get me. The deep secrets you're hiding, tucked in that dusty, creaky closet. Let me share your burden.

I love your strengths, and that releases the burdens of my weaknesses for you; the way you gently turn me around 180 degrees from any illnesses of the mind.

MM: I love your silly antics and witty comebacks. Your words render me speechless and I willingly succumb to your charm. I'm lured into your mind games. Hooked.

I love you. A simple sentence that can hook anyone into a frenzied paralysis. They can be difficult to accept, too precious to share or frivolous words to say.

MM: I love you when you are asleep. Quiet, and deep in slumber. Peaceful, unguarded, and without those walls you build. You say they protect you - but I do, too.


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