Experiment 107 Archangel Tzaphkiel

dreams of structures
massive and intricate constellations
of rooms and spaces
of roads and places
how they all link, each one whole
to each a purpose, a Way..

how each of us has a map that we use to navigate this world; some of us have simpler maps, and some of us maps with more dimensions. sharing these maps to help each other cross dimensions, yet some need to find their own path through their own map. the complex depths of living, understanding, being does not serve all without its proper time and place. the goal remains, we are guided and loved.

.for every word there is an understanding, 
..for every art there is a beauty, 
...for every soul there is a consciousness, 
....for every breath there is a purpose..
the poem pulses with potential parsecs. we shift spaces between these. it is all right here with a breath and a neuron.

Dreamweaver – age 6

Nuns walk serenely on a path of cobbled stones. The convent walls glow in the mid day suns. A school for all who ready to learn. The Reverend Mother walks among the students surveying her charges, an abbreviated rosary in hand. A new  girl has been instructed. She is given the principal rosary to bear. She will be responsible for helping the Reverend Mother to take care of her friends. Classes to learn all over again. 

This time she is smarter. This time she learns more. This time she has greater awareness. This time she is reborn with purpose. Her friends are recycled and she gets another chance to befriend them again and to be kinder. She goes in search of a tool in the next room and finds wads of money in the trash bin. More specifically, pieces of fake money photocopied for a class project. The students later return to salvage their project. 

They have classes in huge ancient halls. There are big stairs to climb and many classes to attend. Paintings and drawings of various styles and textures are displayed on the vast walls depicting scenes of school life and the schools of life. There are dormitories and offices to run this facility. A statue of a female goddess in white flowing robes moves among the hallways and responds to the thoughts of the students who pass her. She smiles at the statue and the lady smiles back; she  palms her hands and bows in a short prayer to the statue which the statue acknowledges.

Bodhisattvas, avatars, angels, saints and god-forms are carved life sized on the colossal pillars that support the building. They go in search of their respective teachers. He has shifted to the room of musical instruments. The graduates are here to collect their results. Seniors and juniors take mementos with each other. She feels very much older and wiser yet she is still in one of their bodies, meeting with new friends and classmates.

A teacher replies her question about strength and expound about those who are oblivious to it. The wisdom is inside if they know how to wield it and help is on the outer side if they need to find it.

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