Experiment 48 Wings of Healing

wings of change
when you showed me how
to remember your name
in my name
to see my being as you see me
as i kneel before the throne
i feel the wings of consciousness expand
in your light and love
the magic is now

Dreamweaver - age 114

The first experiment comes from pain, specifically the physical pain of flesh and bones. The roaming mind will learn in time to be more aware of its environs and later in time, slip into demential space. The mind consumes the body’s resources and energy. The body dissociated is an automaton. The mind unhinged cannot serve its purpose. The body has its wisdom and learning, as does the mind. Only when they cooperate harmoniously, shall the entity fulfill its third purpose of intent.

She sees broken shells and shattered crystals. She feels a dull pain throbbing in the atmosphere. Some of the fragments appear to be mending themselves, healing small cracks or growing new layers. Others seem beyond repair and have allowed the breaks to get worse. They crumble with the wind into the tiniest dust particles. Some of which are recycled by others to heal.

There are certain small indulgences in these beautiful skeletal matrixes; some can sing with the breezes or wail with the winds that pass them by. She stirs among the atomic dust, the crowds of husks and stones. There are so many. They look like very fine sand on the beach as she scale down her vision and zoom out of the landscape.

A moving time lapse of pictures, comics, photos and art starts to form. Other watchers stand to her left side. Some incantations merge in the air stream. The mediators are in the midst of a storm. They rouse the vibrations for restoration of the land. She feels them, she knows them.

She slips on a silver of holy water and unceremoniously kneels before a mediator to become a participant in the rite of purification. The mediator is kind and forgives her carelessness. He rectifies the scene and her bruise with a spell of settlement. He helps her up from the sands.

The protectors are here, he informs her. She sees giant birds in a high altitude formation like peacocks or birds of paradise with metred lengths of multi coloured feathers. She smiles as they pass above her, sweeping new strength into the breeze and life force into the sands touched by their flight.

The metre long tail feathers from the bird closest to her brushes serenely in her aural sphere. She spins clockwise to witness more of the magnificent protectors doing the same to the watchers and mediators on the ground. There is a distinct scent of musky stars which washes into the nasal cavity of her forehead and she starts to see threads of the protection lattice they weave. She feels light headed and lighter bodied, like she too could fly with the protectors.

Maybe she can. She kneels down in gratitude, and closes her eyes to see in her mind, the gold and azure eyes of the protector looking back at her. Let me help you, she bows in deference to the spirit of the protectors. The permission is given. She pushes ever so slightly to rise in acknowledgement. The slight movement lifts her into the stratosphere where the winged protector with the gold and azure eyes hovers in patience.

She can fly without wings like the protector and she can manipulate the currents of air through her aural sphere, controlling speed and direction with her mental focus. She becomes the inverse shadow of her protector which covers far more ground than one protector can. She learns quickly and is helpful. She is determined to be helpful. You will earn your wings, the protector approves.

The sands below her glow and seem to come alive with frequencies moderated by the mediators and sealed by the protectors. They meld into forms and await the water carriers.

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