Experiment 2 Peace

the ultimate goal is. ... .
keep this in thy heart
with gentle strength -
mind bubbles, body troubles,
always return to thy peace within.

Dreamweaver - age 36

\\ She watched the others from her place of imprisonment. They seemed worse off than she was but equally strong. Some begged for their lives to be taken so that they would no longer be burdened or a burden. She cried for them too. In all of her past training, she had thought herself prepared but this war that raged in all of their female forms. She struggled to remember the laws and practices. She repeated the words she had been taught without solace.

\\ She had help, that much comforted her. In her dire mishap, her protectors – seen and unseen – had come and taken over much of the pain and confusion. Still there was a lot to work through and some of the hardest moments, she had to bear them alone. She felt the vibrations of the realm whenever she witnessed a moment of clarity. Peace was precious and the chaos showed her that.

Peace is precious. You are learning well in the chaos of this experience. The demons have done their part as your teachers. They are designed for you alone. You will survive this and then you will share this so that others may remember too that they are not alone and that peace is essential, it is the key to your being here.

We have sung to your straying soul to return from its delusion. Your life is no longer endangered and your sleep will be returned. For now, we shall hold charge over your wandering dreams.

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