Experiment 35 Kindness

The loving space of “kampung spirit” in giving, the care and concern for others above self, still starts with self. The opportunity to serve that is grasped by the human heart, not in the human mind. Many serve quietly, without a word or a face; some do service intelligently, with accounting or fame. Each inspires its own kind of kampung to do more and in that doing, gives more to others than self, consciously or otherwise, we grow together in an indefinably compassionate world. Thank you for sharing transformation with kindness.

“Like the wind crying endlessly
through the universe, Time carries
away the names and the deeds
of conquerors and commoners alike.

And all that we are, all that remains,
is in the memories of those who cared
we came this way
for a brief moment.”

Paladin of the Lost Hour, 1985
- Harlan Ellison 

Dreamweaver - age 81

Random people on the streets scattered and busy with their own thoughts. She walked among them, these beings of humanity, plucking bits from their consciousness as they passed her. They were discordant notes, these human thoughts, much like the background noise of a black hole.

Once in a while, one of their mundane thoughts would pique her spark of interest but nothing to flame her own mind. Occasionally, one might do a little random deed of kindness which would seem relevant to her purpose so she would follow their threads for a while until it vanished.

Only once did the action of a small boy who was stirred by a bully, give her a longer chain of events to witness. The boy had seen a tiny sized junior student pushed over callously by a larger kid. The smaller student was sprawled over the tarmac floor, bruised by the rough contact, and shrunk even more by loneliness and fear. The brave boy froze for a moment in empathy and then reached out to this tiny being - A hand in need, a friend in deed.

She felt a warmth in his consciousness, a sentient spark of conscience that when shared with another, grew bigger and warmer. As she watched, she noticed five other new sparks from the nearby participants in this event, all of them were students watching him help that little boy. She would follow the brightest spark from here on - a younger girl from senior high.

The girl carried on the boy's glow in her thoughts, mulling over it and making it more significant. Lost in that spark, she tripped over a rather large stone on the footpath and fell down in a heap. The glow was replaced by thorns of momentary pain. Then something curious took place. She thought of the tiny boy sprawled in the school. She thought of his pain. She had replaced her own thought of her own pain with the idea of another being's pain.

Suddenly that sparkle returned brighter and bigger. She saw it glow with a bigger radius, not from the girl's head like before, but this time it came from the girl's heart. The girl picked herself up as she looked at the lost stone on the path.

She pondered over her next move carefully. She used both hands to lift the stone and carried it to the base of the nearest tree. There she lay it down carefully. It would not trip another person anymore. Her intention towards the stone, her action to serve unseen others in an unknown future probability, had been tainted by the glow of that little boy.

Curious indeed for an observation by random strangers to magically stir some remote spark of compassion in their hearts to pay it forward and help another random someone else. She saw another spark a couple of meters to the side of the tree where the girl had lain the stone. Someone else had been watching the girl too and caught the spark.

A silver haired grandmother rested in the corner of a park bench. Her hand on a cane, her mind on the dull pain of tired joints. The old lady heard a thump and saw the girl lying clumsily on the ground while looking at a rock; she figured the tricky rock must have caught the girl's step off guard. She winced a little over putting her old bones in the girl's current position; she imagined her frail aged body heaped on the hard ground.

She first noticed that rock three days ago when a few boys from the neighborhood had found it in a field and was kicking it around, challenging each other to kick it harder and further along. They had tired of their game and simply left the rock carelessly on the path. The grandmother saw the girl put the rock away and was grateful for the girl's considerate manners. That made her smile.

It reminded the watcher of how amazing these small and random acts of kindness can be. It expanded the human awareness by witnessing kindness can influence self actualization and eventually affect the collective enlightenment of all beings in some way. She continued to watch the grandmother who now carried the third spark from the boy in her elderly mind.

It did not take long for that compassionate spark to multiply into a constellation of fireflies in the hearts of many more. The watcher saw the fleeting snapshots of people who care enough to help one another; people who could just as easily turn a blind eye to that momentary instinct to make another’s moment better – a slight shift of consideration to fleetingly share what they could, just because they had. observed someone else's act of selflessness.

To give a little or a lot of love because they can, without expecting any reward. Now that is truly L-O-V-E, she smiles. Then again, there are those unfortunate few who have a predilection for taking advantage of a kind heart – they really need a massive dose of tough love.

Yet if you are and you do what you love, this planet will be left a better place. And if you share and give with your heart, your happiness is going to sling shot its way back to you through your heart. She feels sorry for those who die uneventfully without contributing something positive or loving to humanity, as well as ungratefully wasting opportunities with indolence and inconsideration towards another fellow being’s suffering.

What you share with the world is what it keeps of you and thus This Spirit is extremely grateful for This Earth to momentarily Star a temporal Light of The NaNoWriMoen Omniverse.

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