Letters to N

[123.11] No

"No worries" 2005
I just know your life's gonna change. Gonna get a little better, even on the darkest day. Gonna get a little further, right until the feelings change. So, is this how it goes? Think you've come this far with nothing to show? That ain't so, no. You don't see where you are, and if you don't bother to look back, you know you'll never know. So, baby, keep drifting on. Your endeavours ain't just selfless wasted time. Seek and find, yeah. You're not that far from what you've hoped and wished for all along. 'Cause you think that you've been living just treading water and waiting in the wings for the show to begin, but I always see you searching. As you try that bit harder, you're getting closer, oh yeah, to the life you're imagining. I just know your life's gonna change; Maybe not today, but someday soon you'll be all right. Don't turn the other way, feels like luck is on your side. Just wanna live, don't wanna die. No worries, no worries. Fight through the lows and take all the highs. Yeah, you can sink or can you swim, or walk on out, or jump right in. I just know your life's gonna change. Stay focused. We all need somebody.
We have a lot of energy to focus on things that really matter to us. Except I've noticed a lot of wasted energy expended on getting what you don't want, wanting what you can't have; Circular thinking about matters and things that just is, and held in orbit by our selfish centres. Change is certain, yet effecting a change to our expectations and benefits when it is opposing the original flow causes stress and friction mentally, emotionally and physically.

Irreplaceable brain cells die from undue stress.Yet we try, we struggle until we are exhausted. Misery loves company of the most useless type, and they love hearing their own broken voices looping over and over about how they cannot. The magic formula, which isn't really magic at all, is to focus the energy on what you really want - the ultimate goal - and if it's important enough to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll get plenty of excuses to continue languishing in your misery and waste energy.

In 2010, I learnt something valuable through Original Play by Fred Donaldson. The universe is loving and safe. It does not hurt. Hurt happens when we struggle or go against the flow, instead of watching how the energy is flowing and re-directing its path while keeping in mind the safety of all with love. (See Letters to P : Play)

In the same year, I also reinforced something important through Mind Transformations by Barney Wee. Change has to happen in a different space, another level - whatever you perceive depends on where you are looking from now. Solutions need new angles of perspectives to be uncovered. Positive re-framing of the original worry helps keep the true goal in focus. That's what those hippie-sayers mean by alignment to self and higher purpose or power. Same story, different language.

I have written in books privately for so long, I probably didn't really want to share my world views. I have all the content and wisdom of words yet my excuses were similar. I worried I didn't know where to start. (Note my intentional use of worried in past tense, because it's changed and changing now.) I worried that I can't piece the content together, that I might reveal too much about how I viewed life through death and this world and existence. I worried that ...(fill in the blanks yourself and watch how uselessness takes over)... I could definitely go crazy worrying so creatively. (See Letters to D : Death) So I chose to re-start on this blog, write in my own hotchpotch style with specific letters and words. Amazing how I flow from here.

Hakuna matata. No worries. It's only change. (: You can do it too. I believe in you.

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