[63.18] 'zing... Amazing
Between A and Z : Amazing. I use this word for my moments which perplex, astonish, astound, bewilder, surprise, or marvel. Occasionally, a wonder occurs that awes me so. These moments that make you buzz, "Wow! really? oh yea.." As long as there is amazement, I have much to learn. Cease to be amazed, and life ceases to be miraculous. After all, aren't acts of creation, or re-creation, part of this wondrous space? What kind of world do you have? I have an amazing one.
[122.29] Zen
"Even though that is true,
if you do not know it yourself,
it does you no good."
Cease practice based on intellectual understanding,
pursuing words and following after speech.
Learn the backward step
that turns your light inward
to illuminate within
body and mind of themselves will drop away
and your original face will be manifest.
To study the Way is to study the self.
To study the self is to forget the self.
To forget the self is to be enlightened by all things of the universe.
To be enlightened by all things of the universe
is to cast off the body and mind of the self as well as those of others.
Even the traces of enlightenment are wiped out,
and life with traceless enlightenment goes on forever and ever. - Dogen, 1200
[111.11] zest and zeal
Letters to Z
"You are the lab; the whole experiment is to go on within you. No belief is needed. Only the courage to experiment is enough."