Letters to E

[123.12] Evolution in Earth

This is the nature of a universe, my universe. Evolving souls together as family, as friends, as a country, as a planet. It changes - integrating or disintegrating, it flowers and fades.

So do these Letters to you develop and change as long as I am here in earth. We remain a chosen inspiration for time.

Between the lines, within the space of each word-atom, is a world only your perspective and understanding can build on and expand. Evolution begins with a different thought, one that seeks to stretch perspective from 'what is' to 'what can be.' I leave and you return.

Creation is re-creation altered (plus some prior de-construction for raw elements.) Energy is a constant of the universe. All that is to be, is already here, waiting for you to re-discover. Enrich your consciousness and grow.

.618 : 1 : 1.618
to our journey together
beginning in time 18
with a dream and a thought 09,
then an action 12.

We do not exist alone;
We exist because we believe
that others believe in us too.

It is not what we give or take;
it is what we become.

[123.1] Project EarthStarLight

2012.3 - It is a dream story, one of many,
one where I truly begin to write for you,
and in 90 days, I leave for a greater adventure,
the undiscovered country,
the worlds beyond life's veil,
for me, it is part of this Omniverse
that exists beyond forms.
This human loves to travel,
this mind enjoys imagination,
this soul is free to soar,
and always to be home.
How many excuses and stories I make for myself,
all to prolong that which I can be.
Now to unblock the will and courage that I am,
just to let you know,
how truly valuable you are to me,
and how sincerely grateful I am to you.

I have written much in private,
none here then, for this world has too many stories,
yet perhaps, just one more
to remember us by.

(end experiment 77 cup, begin experiment 86 oberon)

[79.17] EarthStar Continuum

...in the midst of virtual chaos,
I have lost my past,
a present frozen in history 2001.

with time, more exploration done,
more ? ! * . , & mishaps past,
I survived to tell my tales...

...I am not that interesting,
and I am not that wise,
I don't think I am much fun,

although life gives me plenty
of adventures and good people
who help me along the way...

...the Universe still sings to me,
I find miracles in a grain of sand,
my understanding grows, or

my ignorance dims.
being in Earth, spirit in Star,
drawing creative Light...

...a mental moment in time,
a sharing of thoughts, you & I,
someday when I am gone,

you will still be here, my dear reader...

...but nothing lasts forever,
maybe not even this,
so let's enjoy it now, while we can...

[142.11] # @ + EarthStarLight

A new experiment then in abstract space -Tags and finds. We can move away or move towards, but I shall remain still. This body of earth is a stellar dreamer lit by inspiration. The ideas are coagulating and in its perfect time becomes some thing.

This is a good day to try. I want to be found, I am terrified of what finds me.

[124.1] EarthStellaLumen

All I have are dreams; Stories that flow daily and nightly, more vividly than life. They are full of metaphors. If only I could discern through the distractions, they may yet prove useful. It is easier for my heart to muse with poetic ideas in abstract realities than for my mind to deduce with logical maps in linear dimensions. Space is a piece of art while time is an art of senses.

[123.18] in boundlessness we go

Earth bound
in destination
in composition
in obligation
a private limited
in boundlessness
homeward we go

Star bound
in movement
in evolution
in leaping stages
a universal inertia
in boundlessness
forward we go

Light bound
in reflection
in gravitation
in levitation
a timed space
in boundlessness
inward we go


Earth in body
breathe and be

Star in mind
a path find

Light in heart
that thou art

Earth encased
Star ensouled
Light enabled

go play go
in black
in white

in my game of two
involving you
in nomine

i notice 5 elements and 10 facets
the body of earth
the fire of stars
the breath of life
the water of consciousness
the void that connects them all

[121.1] i reaffirm what was written before, witnessed by those who too are transforming mentally..

[104.18] My purpose is to mirror
my creativity, my optimism, and my understanding of this world by designing stories, by empowering content, and by breathing moments; to inspire expansively, to heal sincerely and to play with maps of consciousness.

..and this Universe conspires with me to show how a transformation quietly develops; that all the writings in my personal scriptures are the very core of a storY's hidden What essence: cryptic or metaphoric, dream or deed, mentally or materially, we grow together, i cannot see myself without you to show me how i have applied that which i meaningfully aspire to (or not..)

..not to compare, compete, judge or condemn but to share, to encourage, to inspire, to understand the purpose, the ideal being that exists in all my life experiences.

..the consciousness of the story evolves, and each atomic moment of piecing together, it re-patterned, re-created, like a plant blending structure, it is organic: growth, evolution, creation take time to re-source.

..to the ones who witnessed, may you re-discover that which is already in you, to re-form, to recall, to realize, that it takes some earth revolutions before we return to the same space.

..to the evolving maps of consciousness within that seeks the reason of heaven without, we are here on and in the earth.

..i do not know who i really am, the Omniverse of tat tvam asi; this makes life a rainbow of adventures in this dimension.

love, LOVE and hugs,
especially for You who taught me
about human intention, i am truly grateful. :)

# the first draft of consciousness

[2019] sub-note: Interesting, they discovered proof that we might have a black hole at the centre of our galaxy, something I've already dreamed of these massive cores so many years ago (but without evidence) just as I knew how a species of humans can fly using magnetic control of bloodlines and gridlines of the planet. C'est la vie.


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