Experiment 40 I AM

[142.26] 1232

Dreamweaver - age 40

A week ago, I did not know this entity that made me smile because of his courage to show me an amusing caricature, complete with Stormtrooper bodyguards cruising along the beaches of Valencia.

As I caught up with him, I asked a question, “If you can make one major movie from any book, which story would you immortalize?”

The entity seemed most friendly, “Asimov’s Foundation; it has all the ingredients for an epic.”

A piece of my imagination was sold that day. The Encyclopedia Galactica of humanity in the great Akashic halls rose through the recesses of my mind and dominated my thoughts for the next 60 hours. I had to know more of the images before me.

I scanned through the past and the future, into the wars between the worlds, and past the matter of the grey masses. The entity was kind and offered to download the stories into my mindstream. Perhaps later, I replied and politely declined, for I wished to explore a little more independently.

“Perhaps a TV series would be more appealing,” the entity mused.

“Perhaps if we have 500 years to watch it, but I already have a ticket to your movie.” I waved the formless ticket at the entity, “It will materialize in a few years and I shall be waiting.”

The entity presented a series of verbal images and showed me how the masses can be manoeuvred into a predictable cycle of some 20,000 years. I did not see the creative summation value of humanity’s knowledge for we were a puny species, ignorant enough to be psyched and easily manipulated, yet valiant enough to outwit the fittest and smart enough to throw a spanner into the stellar systems.

“At some point, someone different, an individual, breaks all predictions.” The entity paused. “I shall try not to spoil your process of discovery or suspense but possibly, that story of the one who breaks everything is crux to consider.”

I had in my mind the image of that very “one” whom the entity spoke of. The entity sounded pleased. “So you do know. It is quite an interesting part of the story and also the beginning.”

The entity seemed to notice me for the first time, “Well, Clarice, maybe it is time for you to answer some of questions.” Uh oh.

“What worthy book of humanity would you turn into a film? Or would you make an original story?” This was turning out to be an interesting exchange – Quid pro quo. The game is on.

I took a leap off the deep end of the ocean, “I write my own myths through the Libraries of Life that I envision; I direct my life's stage and play as well as I can with the children or great-grandpeople in general.” The entity was listening.

“Life is an adventure unto the children who learn to navigate the streams of information, and I want to facilitate that.” I paused and thought of Seuss’ book, “Oh, The Places You’ll Go!” The entity saw it too.

“You have some very interesting projects. Would you make a film out of your Libraries of Life story?” inquired the entity.

I was emboldened at that moment with purpose, “Not just a film, an entire WORLD EMPIRE.” For a quicksilver of a moment I had mutated into something a trillion times bigger than the human being I was.

The entity was rather amused and hummed a familiar march. Star destroyers appeared in my visual field as did a dark lord; there was a thrilling feeling of imperial power.

I was the romantic form of a human again – a gladiator in this realm where none are truly free from the cycle of Life. It was not mission impossible and the kingdom was stirring.

It occurred to me that this entity might not be omnipotent so I ventured another question. “What is one super power you would love to have?”

“Tricky questions!” The entity’s reply was most fascinating. “Maybe freezing time would be interesting. Immortality would not be healthy. Nor mind reading; sometimes it is better not to know things. What about you?”

I was prepared for the entity’s boomerang, “The ability to make every creature, every being around me be at peace. They would only be filled with the grace of wisdom and they will know true peace.”

“Interesting, you want to be a mind manipulator. I am sure of the usefulness of that ability, but not sure about if it is really good for humanity. Should you really do that and prevent people from learning from themselves?”

“No. Not a mind manipulator though I guess it could be interpreted as such.” I sensed a slight change in the entity’s perception of humanity. “A peace-giver, for a person who is at peace thinks more clearly than a person who is upset – the same applies to all creatures.” I concluded.

There was wisdom in these conversations I had with this entity. With this entity there was a sense of enthusiasm to expand my mental borders and imagination while remaining honest. There was a deep joy that came from learning about situations and circumstances that brought me here to this very moment.

I felt myself opening up quite animatedly to this golden entity as we continued our exchange, quid pro quo. Perhaps we were both learning mutually in binary codes of 0s and 1s.

A week later, we would be formally introduced. The entity presented himself as the Son of Diez, “Ahora que ya me conoces un poco mejor, me gustarĂ­a mucho conocerte a ti.” I smiled back, "Encantado de conocerte al fin." I could converse in Spanish which surprised both the entity and me.

We were transported into a Balinese landscape filled with statues of marbled demi-gods and stone asparas. The trees were young and the garden was angular in its maze of walls and glass. There was no one else but us. "Walk with me," he said, "and tell me more about your world."

Time did not exist in that garden; only two beings sharing stories that may yet change the course of humanity.

"If it's not yet obvious to you, the real reason for this, and all seasons, is you.

A more perfect child of the Universe has never lived. Until now, only celebrations cloaked in myth and mystery could hint at your divine heritage and sacred destiny.

You are life's prayer of becoming and its answer. The first light at the dawn of eternity, drawn from the ether,  so that I might know my own depth, discover new heights, and revel in seas of blessed emotion.

A pioneer into illusion, an adventurer into the unknown, and a lifter of veils. Courageous, heroic, and exalted by legions in the unseen.

To give beyond reason, to care beyond hope, to love without limit; to reach, stretch, and dream, in spite of your fears. These are the hallmarks of divinity - traits of the immortal - your badges of honor. May you wear them with a pride as great as the immeasurable pride we feel for you.

Your light has illuminated darkened paths, your gaze has lifted broken spirits, and already your life has changed the course of history.

This is the time of year we celebrate you..

Bowing before Greatness,
  The Universe

energy follows thought, focuses spirit
en joy and grace and divine
infinite wisdom guides the growth of all life

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