Experiment 87 Wisdom of Love

Dreamweaver – age 37

“To drift with every passion till my soul
Is a stringed lute on which all winds can play,
Is it for this that I have given away
Mine ancient wisdom, and austere control?
Methinks my life is a twice-written scroll
Scrawled over on some boyish holiday
With idle songs for pipe and virelay,
Which do but mar the secret of the whole.
Surely there was a time I might have trod
The sunlit heights, and from life's dissonance
Struck one clear chord to reach the ears of God.
Is that time dead?  lo! with a little rod
I did but touch the honey of romance—
And must I lose a soul's inheritance?”

His mind confines him in wild and random words as he thinks up more lines to connect his poetry. He pens his work down on earth while she opens her senses to the world without and retracts her wings. She observes such distressing misery all around these creatures who are so capable of affection, and yet too scared to love or care genuinely. She is haunted by the potent beauty of this place and their desires to be accepted. For now, she notices this one.

She watches as he struggles with the extrinsic difficulties and his intrinsic doubts. She is empathetic to the human process of keeping in touch with one’s inner strength and inner knowing. It is hard to have faith when they do not believe they are safe to be who they are, and when they are not at peace with themselves.

His self-organizing mind is bubbling with possibilities. He is simultaneously vigilant and suspicious. In this space-time continuum, he needs to trust and he is anxious. He hears a whisper in the discordant symphony, “Especially in your heart, together with your mind.”  She hears it too and evermore, she sees the patterns in the chorus of life.

“Are you afraid?” he eyes the chaotic situation askance. He is drowsy from duty and doubt. He knows she is here with him. She is revealed in that spark of an awareness – to see her, his muse in him. This is his reflection of self. She is moving past his mirror to appear in front of him; beyond the curtain of his dreams, he sees the essence that lies within them.

“Sometimes. Even fear too will pass, like all earthly moments. Trust is a tough lesson to learn in linear time,” she views the interacting spheres serenely. He is ambivalent in his own thoughts.

The spheres seek an artistic pattern of connection, growing as fractals and then exploding as bubbles into new dimensions, new opportunities. It is both beautiful and terrifying to witness, especially when it is this close to him. His doubting mind is oscillating between what may be and what can be.

The wisdom of her heart influences her thoughts and deeds. She places her left hand on his right shoulder to remind him that he still has a physical presence. Gentle warmth emanates from her touch that is safe. She smiles at his growing consciousness as he thaws away from his intellectual psyche. Fear disappears in the company of friends. He relaxes upon knowing that she has accepted him into her circle of protection. Her touch is reassuring and supports the sincerity of her intention to be here with him. He is free to believe that he is not alone. Logic supports his emotions.

He feels the warmth and caring within and around the myriad of spheres as they come and go. They seem friendlier now to him, balancing the disorder with patterns. He hears another whisper, “Let go of the unrequited past, release the expectant future and be grateful for the present.”

“Have you always been here?” he has a new reservation brewing. She is quiet and breathes patiently. She is fascinated by his attention to the obvious.

“I am here now,” she replies. She is a new fractal experience to him, unlike any before and unlike any after. Different. Unique.

“Will you still be here when I awaken?” Perchance he is preparing for a worst case scenario. He looks at the glow behind her and for a moment, imagines she will soon open her wings and take flight.

“I do not control how long I remain in existence; maybe ten days or ten lifetimes. However, while I am here, you are free to share your life, your hopes and dreams with me, and to explore these mirrors of existence together.” She feels the brevity surrounding the emotions that necessitate life and death.

“Should she remain?” he thought. She is calm and confident, brimming with possibilities that seem heavy. “I could leave,” he thought. He is expectant and discerning, filled with responsibilities that seem heavier.

He is habituated to the forceful nature of things. She is guided by the powerful nature of creation. Together, they can move worlds to arise and return into an inner wisdom. They have to make choices in unison once they choose to move into the merging sphere of time and effort.

She who senses either riddles or simplicity, knows only that much, everything else she experiences is a lie, far from truth... hence, the constant reference to the Earth "stories." She advises peace, joy, love in the little things, forgiveness, kindness, of self, of others, and that is a lot of work to do already. Humour hides a lot of pain, and cushions some. Make a change first in ourselves and together, much can be done.

Be safe, be kind in what you choose to do in this world, for yourself, especially for family and the beloved ones who have supported you in growing this far. All the material riches you seek for them, cannot replace the treasured soul that they love as you are now.

May you find faith and peace and love in what you discover in yourself, and in others. May grace be with you on your journey, and the most perfect angels to guard and guide you in your ways, always..

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