Experiment 26 Etheric Humpty Dumpty

HD sat on a wall
HD had a big fall
All royal humans could physically try to piece HD-body
but they were ignorant that HD's soul is broken
so the experience changed HD's very being,
for it was a lesson well-given that earth forms are fragile.

Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass (1872)
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘glory,’ ” Alice said.
Humpty Dumpty smiled contemptuously. “Of course you don’t—till I tell you. I meant ‘there’s a nice knock-down argument for you!’ ”
“But ‘glory’ doesn’t mean ‘a nice knock-down argument’,” Alice objected.
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master      that’s all.”
Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty began again. “They’ve a temper, some of them—particularly verbs, they’re the proudest—adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs—however, I can manage the whole lot! Impenetrability! That’s what I say!”

The Dreamweaver - age 16

\\ She breathed in deeply, held her breath for a while as she reflected about what the video explained about relaxing and puffed it out forcefully through her mouth. She thought about the book she had read recently about a group of women who were trained to control every muscle in their body. They said that those who mastered their minds and bodies could control pain and pleasure.

\\ It was an interesting theory so she gave it a conditioned shrug which she usually gave to any concept she wanted to emulate. She looked down at her toes intently. She could try to move that index toe independently. She focused her effort on raising just that one toe and frowned as her other toes twitched in concert. She needed practice. Lots.

\\ She yawned away the thought of practice. She could try that relaxation theory lying down and if it failed, she would just conveniently fall asleep. She switched off the lights and turned on the air-conditioning. Practicing in comfort would help. She smiled as she pulled her comforter snugly over herself.

\\ She expelled another deep breath as she ran through the mental sequence of relaxing her muscles. The idea was to be consciously aware of every possible physical pressure in the body, from the face to the toes. The video had shown a blonde lady scrunching up her facial muscles and holding an agonized expression for a few seconds before relaxing. She shook her head slightly at that image recall and discarded that particular sequence. She supposed it would have caused too many premature wrinkles.

\\ She contemplated that it was better to conscientiously scan her physical form and consciously melt into her cozy bed, cocooned in her thick comforter. She closed her eyes and mentally felt for her toes and fingers that were connected to her torso. The toes were attached to the foot which was joined to the calf that was linked to the thigh; the fingers were bonded to the hand which was stuck to the arm and stuck to the shoulder. She tried unceremoniously to feel for her hair growing on her scalp too. Her heart pulsed monotonously with her thoughts that faded soundlessly.

She drifts lightly and is vaguely conscious in darkness. There are distant sounds unfamiliar yet they stir her and somehow distil her concentration. The first sense that she observes is her hearing a drone like a mismatched chorus. The non-musical sounds seem to resonate from everywhere and nowhere as they move her attention to the moment.

She becomes more alert and the ambiguous chorus grows into a chattering multitude of distinct voices. She hears them clearer now, each like an individual note in a symphony with its apparent characteristic. Her awareness grows stronger and she recognizes the more human tones making apparent languages, yet most are distinguishable only by what appears to her as emotional frequencies like happiness and sadness.

This is an eternity of beings and dreams that she senses. Concentrated forms of formlessness move faster than lightning in a void loaded with unseen connections. She senses every connection in what seems to be a vast cosmos.

She is in space, between the spaces that makes nothingness. It is packed with all that was, is and can be. She becomes aware that she too is one of the infinite atomic beings that hold this space and accesses the flowing myriad of stories enfolding her.

She reaches out mentally and in that moment of consolidating the intention to grasp, she is aware that she has no form. She has no physical shape to move with. In that one poisonous instant of grasping, she is stricken with a living memory - She has a human body somewhere wrapped in a blanket, touching a bed but she cannot sense it. Not here, not now.

She is alive yet she has no nose to breathe with. She notices faint colours in the darkness yet she has no eyes to see with. She notes voices getting louder yet she has no ears to hear with. She feels the presence of many yet she has no appearance. Panic narrows her consciousness, fear contracts her original awareness. She separates her link to the collective that buzzes around her. Where am I?

A thick energy builds up around her formless space that encases her. It draws her attention to a point of light in the distance. She feels movement that neither attracts nor repels. She knows she is shifting in space.

\\ She took in a deep breath and opened her eyes. She remembered her bedroom and its windows. She felt her comforter and moved her fingers. She had a body again.

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