Experiment 57 Pallas Athena

Dreamweaver - age 108

She reads his penned love on a precious script. It has turned gold on its edges with time, yet his words are as  vibrant and sincere as if he has just found his conviction. She remembers him fondly, "My darling El, how you inspire me by simply existing. I shall be grateful for that one moment in which we met and smiled together for the first infinite and indefinite time. Ever mine, ever thine."

He loves Beethoven and Rachmaninoff for they move the romantic in him. He adores Mozart for the eternal child in him. And she loves them because of him. She never can play as he does. His fingers move so gently, coaxing sounds and emotions with his touch. His very presence enraptures her, the soft smile he gives himself in reverie and the kindly look he observes others with.

Her gift is in words which flow richly and coagulate so easily for her. Some borrowed, most recreated, yet all are her own story's word-weaving. Own. She owns and owes nothing of creation. She looks at the finite squiggles before her which merges form and meaning simultaneously. He knows she is his muse and she knows he is her angel of music. He admires her word artistry as she does his rhythm. He is a song maker and she is a powerful poet.

Languages, she thinks, are fascinating constructs of existence. Most languages are simple enough - a look, a touch, a smile. The simplicity of expression is independent of the complexity the consciousness has put into its ego. He can move the hardest minds with his musical vibes. She can expand the smallest heart with her symbols. They are meant to be together.

She hears the layers of love that he spread between the air waves just for her under an azure sky. It brings the stars that much closer for her. He watches entranced by the movements of her hands as they sign: I love you eternally.

// Eyes half awake in remembrance of his song. She shrugged to herself. She hummed his tune. She smiled to herself and returned to her final slumber, the DreamTime where she is unborn.

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