Experiment 93 Hansel

Dreamweaver - age 42

They were helping someone to clean up big chunks of stones covered in moss. Under running water and with some careful scrubbing, these ugly stones unveiled see through pink, green and olive tourmaline-like crystals. They were enchanting to behold.

They had to hide the crystals away from a tyrant ruler who used these stones for some ill purpose. They were an underground resistance group working in enclaves. They were struggling for freedom, young boys and girls alike. They too needed these stones to be free.

One particularly big piece of translucent dark pink crystal, striated like tourmaline, glowed in her hands. She knew she had to protect this one piece from the rest and she had to rescue more. Her brother agreed with her and urged her away from the others quickly.

A dark skinned boy followed the brother and sister closely. He too wanted to know the reason for their coveted manners. The dark pink stone seemed to have a dazzling effect on her brother; it made him feel drugged and whoozy. He struggled to keep up with his sister; he must protect his sister and he knew she had possessed a very important piece of earth that would be crucial to their survival.

The brother saw the dark skinned boy in the shadows keenly through rose coloured vision; it was as if the stone had picked up on the dark skinned boy and was telling him about it. The girl was strong and tried to support her brother on her left while carrying the dark rose crystal with her right, as they made their way further into the labyrinth of tunnels with only a faint pink glow to guide their path.

She had to find the safe cavern which she and her brother had discovered when they were younger and had used on a few occasions to escape from raids and other secrets. Her brother seemed weak and agitated for he kept glancing backwards. There is a boy behind you, he said. She hurriedly turn them into a corner and hid the dark rose stone under her clothes to block out its glow.

The dark skinned boy had excellent night vision but he lost them at a turn through the second pass. The brother and sister seemed to be glowing he thought, but now he could barely see more than a few inches past his arm’s length. He paused to listen for any scrapes of sound which might give away their movement or location. Nothing. He could hear his own heartbeat. He figured he could explore these caverns again later with Babo his pet which possessed extraordinary senses meant for enduring these burrowed networks.

The brother and sister held their movements admirably, freezing their positions deep in the fissures of the cave wall. They barely breathed, taking small and measured inhalations and holding them for as long as they could. Their grandfather had trained them well.

The brother saw the boy with his fourth sight which was stained with the rose light. He saw him pause to sense his surroundings and then walk away, back to the others. He waited a while and then some more just to be sure. He used his fourth sight to scan the surrounds for any other strays. It seemed a long while before he took in a deep breath, pulled his senses back to his body and straightened himself from his sister’s side.

She relaxed as her brother thawed from his stance and let out the remainder of her restrained breath. They were safe. For now. They were tired and needed to rest soon to recuperate their energies. She noticed that they were not glowing as before. The dark rose stone was quieter in its colour.

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